Facebook Expands Mobile Ad Net to Make a Run at Google, Yahoo

Facebook's mobile ad network is officially open for business.Five months after the social network formally launched its Audience Network with a small set of app publishers and advertisers, Facebook is opening up the mobile ad network to any media buyer and seller. The company is also adding a new ad unit for marketers to drive traffic to their mobile sites.A Facebook spokesman declined to say how many publishers are in the network or what the revenue split is with participating publishers but said the company has paid out millions of dollars to however many apps are participating. The first crop of publishers to sell ads through Facebook's mobile ad network include Shazam, Zynga, IGN, Le Monde, Merriam-Webster, MyFitnessPal, Glu Mobile, Wooga, Deezer and Vinted. Continue reading at AdAge.com Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2014-10-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #media buyer #ad unit #drive traffic #mobile sites #sell ads #le monde

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How the Ad Council Used Facebook's Atlas to Drive Donations and Volunteers

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[ Digiday | 2016-04-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Advertising Age | 2016-04-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Engadget | 2016-03-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
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