Ads on Premium Publishers' Sites Are 3 Times More Effective at Boosting Brand Favorability

Advertising on the websites of premium publishers, such as The New York Times and Hearst properties, is three times as effective as it is on those of nonpremium publishers at boosting brand favorability and making users more likely to recommend products or services, according to a study by comScore. The study, released today, examined the online display campaigns of 15 large brands to compare advertising inventory and brand lift between premium publishers and all other publishers. The study included household goods, auto, consumer electronics and telecom brands. The publishers that were part of the study were all part of Digital Content Next, a trade group formerly known as the Online Publishers Association that includes dozens of the best-known publications including The New York Times, ABC, NPR and Condé Nast. "This outsized mid-funnel performance is of particular significance for the large consumer brands that drive the majority of digital ad spending," wrote Andrew Lipsman, the author of the report. "These brands will tend to have already established high brand awareness and therefore prefer to focus more on influencing how consumers feel about the brand so that they are more likely to purchase that brand when they are in the market to do so." ComScore said the boost in favorability could partially be a result of better viewability rates on premium websites—50 percent compared with 45 percent for non-DCN publishers. The study found that premium publishers also... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2016-07-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #halo effect #subject matter #online spending

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