Header bidding is the latest buzzword on everyone’s lips. Once a simple hack to help publishers monetize, it’s evolved into a full fledged industry practice that’s helping to level the playing field between publisher and advertiser and stop publishers from careening down the RTB waterfall. But... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2016-09-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
We asked publishing pros at yesterday's Digiday Publishing Summit for their scout's-honor stance on how they're pitching native, who's buying, and more. Here's what they said in 5 charts. Sponsor content by Nativo. The post Infographic: 50 percent of publishers recruit editors to create native... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2016-04-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
We asked industry pros at yesterday’s Digiday Publishing Summit in Bologna to weigh in on the give and take between buyers and sellers. Here’s what they said about the balance of power and an emerging solution: header bidding. Sponsor content by PulsePoint. The post Infographic: Publishers dish... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2016-03-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
LinkedIn sat down with four marketing agency thought leaders – Lauren Goldstein (BabcockJenkins); Gina Michnowicz (Union + Webster); Thad Khalow (BusinessOnline); and Lee Odden (TopRank Marketing) – who engaged in a vibrant discussion of the key marketing trends to follow this year. The... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2016-03-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
Great audience data is the key to the marketing kingdom. That’s why Conde Nast just bought big data outfit 1010data in a deal that lets the high-end publisher plant a flag in the tech world. But even mid-sized publishers know their data is gold – and that they’ve got to have the capacities to... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-10-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
LinkedIn’s latest eBook illuminates what thought leadership is and why your company needs a solid strategy in place. Among the crucial topics it covers is the difference between the three main types of thought leadership. It also offers real-world examples of companies that are building... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-08-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
Motor Trend holds some 15 tentpole events a year. Like most publisher events, they are editorially independent, created at scale and easily packaged for sponsorships. The format is predictable, repeatable and reliably monetized. In other words, they are safe. Custom events, like this one, are... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-07-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
The buy side has grown fond of blaming publishers for bad viewability rates. But publishers only serve the ads that advertisers design, and those ads are often poor. Now some brands are working directly with publishers to find customs solutions. Last December Burberry teamed with Yahoo to create... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-06-11 00:00:00 UTC ]
Just as it has for airlines, yield management -- controlling inventory availability in a way that affects prices and maximizes revenue -- will significantly improve revenue for online publishers. A unified yield management platform will give publishers a unified marketplace in which all buyers... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-06-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
Membership has its price. Publishers need to offer marketers assurances that they’ll do everything in their power to offer a welcoming, authenticated, premium programmatic environment. At the heart of this is creating and refining more precise audience segments based on behavior, interests and... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-05-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
We asked attendees at last week’s Digiday Publishing Summit to come clean on their ability to face up to the threat of ad fraud. Here’s how well they’re coping with bots, how big of a threat ad fraud will be in the next 12 months and more. Sponsor content by Distil Networks. The post From bots... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-03-28 00:00:00 UTC ]
As part of Digiday's Publishing Summit Europe, held in February in Monaco, Taboola hosted a town hall for publishers. At once excited and nervous about the industry's digital-first future, several dozen industry veterans weighed in on the challenges they face. Chief among them? How to manage... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2015-02-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
What do most people think of when they think of analytics? Metrics and measurement, mostly. Limiting analytics to just metrics and measurement limits what you can do. How does a publisher make the leap from metrics to action? Sponsor content by Parse.ly. The post You’re using analytics wrong:... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2014-09-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
Reducing the click-bait clutter is just the latest in a series of alterations aimed at filtering the news feed for quality. It looks like long-form publishers have something to celebrate. Sponsor content by Parse.ly. The post Why publishers should cheer Facebook’s click-bait crusade appeared... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2014-08-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
Agencies are pushing for transparency from publishers on all fronts, but viewability has by far become their most pressing priority. GroupM, the biggest digital media buyer in the U.S., announced it would shift its buying from open exchanges to private ones, in a push for greater transparency.... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2014-07-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
Facebook has a clear policy prohibiting brands from publishing advertising on their pages, but things get murkier when ads take the form of sponsor content. The post Facebook takes hands-off approach to sponsor posts appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2014-03-14 00:00:00 UTC ]