Tuesday Wake-Up Call: Netflix's 'Black Mirror' storytelling experiment, and Google's new ad chief

Welcome to Ad Age's Wake-Up Call, our daily roundup of advertising, marketing, media and digital news. Get all the news on Advertising Week each evening this week in our pop-up email newsletter. Sign up right here What people are talking about today: Remember the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books of your childhood? Netflix is planning some new programming with a similar storytelling format, Bloomberg News reports. Viewers "will get to choose their own storylines in one episode of the upcoming season of 'Black Mirror,' the Emmy-winning science-fiction anthology series," Bloomberg says. We can't wait to see it. Just one request, though. The real world seems dystopian enough right now -- is it too much to ask for one storyline that ends with a happily-ever-after?Advertising Week New York (one day down, three to go)After day one, here's a thought from Jeanine Poggi: During the five panels she's moderating, only two of the 15 speakers (not counting herself) are women. That's interesting, "considering there are more than a half dozen panels on Monday alone focused on gender equality, diversity and inclusion," Poggi writes in Ad Age's roundup, which includes more on the diversity, equality and inclusion discussions; the line to get photos with Bullseye, Target's mascot dog; a prediction of ads to come on Netflix; and the downside of reducing Advertising Week sprawl. Continue reading at AdAge.com Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2018-10-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #email newsletter #real world

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The Canadian approach to fighting ad blockers: trade ads for user data

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Calling Call Me Ishmael

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How Ad Design Affects Ad Blocking

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Ad blocking could spell the end of the intrusive ad

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