#raised $2

Publishing news tagged with #raised $2

This Ad-Tech Company Thinks Interactive Video Ads Can Bypass Blockers

With the rise of ad blocking and fraud concerns, publishers continue to get ads in front of consumers. One startup called Free All Media thinks it may have found a business model that works around those blockers by plugging content directly into publishers' sites. The Hopatcong, N.J.-based... Continue reading >>
[ Source: AdWeek | 2015-12-17 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Digital Video Ads That Make You Want to Click

Kraft, Nike, Target and Walmart are trialing new video technology that makes ads interactive. In the case of Kraft, a 15-second clip comes with pop-up information on the brand and its products. As the video runs, a click over one of the frames pulls up a pastry recipe or product details for... Continue reading >>
[ Source: AdWeek | 2014-07-03 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Patreon Raises $2.1 Million for Subscription-Based Crowdfunding Platform

In what could be the biggest variation on crowdfunding, San Francisco Patreon has raised $2.1 million in funding for its subscription-based system. Patreon allows fans to pledge recurring payments to a creator rather than provide one-off support to a single project. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2014-02-24 00:00:00 UTC ]

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