Now trending in ad tech: 4 things digital marketers should get smart about

At the end of 2018, Magna Global released its advertising forecast, which predicted that digital advertising will account for 50 percent of global ad spend in 2019. During my decade in the digital media space, part of which has been as the vice president of a digital media and ad tech marketing and sales company, I've seen that the list of what demands marketers’ attention has also grown and is ever-changing. Keeping up on the trends and the products and how they shape digital marketers’ mindsets is a never-ending, uphill battle. Here are four things in digital I believe marketers should pay close attention to: 1. Marketers are producing video ads that last as long as the time it takes to read this heading. That’s right, six-second ads are becoming the norm. I know what you’re thinking: “You can’t tell a story in six seconds.” But, that's not necessarily true. The digital video landscape is crowded, not to mention expensive for marketers. So, they’re doing all they can to make each second count, albeit with an extremely limited number of seconds. YouTube’s non-skippable, six-second “bumper ads” have ushered in a whole new format of digital advertising, and it often works. According to Google's Ads Blog, 90 percent of bumper ad campaigns drove a 30 percent increase in global ad recall. I've observed strong brands, such as Mercedes-Benz and Under Armour, have perfected the art of front-loading branding elements and cramming a compelling story into a tiny time... Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2019-09-18 14:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #growing exponentially #digital media

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