How the Ad Council Used Facebook's Atlas to Drive Donations and Volunteers

A recent campaign success story for Feeding America could shed light on how consumers are using devices and which publishers are actually driving traffic. Working with the Ad Council and Facebook's Atlas measurement platform, the Chicago-based nonprofit launched an eight-week digital campaign this spring to drive donations and volunteer sign-ups. Ad Council—which partners with U.S. creative agencies, media outlets and others to come up with ad campaigns for dozens of social causes—worked with the largest network of food pantries in the U.S. to come up with a campaign that had key performance indicators that would be good proxies for other marketers as well. According to Beth Ellard, evp of media at the Ad Council, the campaign also helped provide insight into what works and doesn't work for a cross-device campaign. "One of the things we were very interested in understanding here is how the target audience is using devices, because they really mirror what is happening with consumers in terms of going across devices, platforms, channels, etc.," Ellard said. "And the ability to attribute donations and volunteer sign-ups more clearly was a big opportunity here and to be able to understand the individual properties—both Facebook and off Facebook—to better understand how to optimize media partner performances." Here are four things the Ad Council and Facebook learned from the campaign: Attributable donations and volunteer sign-ups increased dramatically As a result... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2016-06-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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