How Ad Design Affects Ad Blocking

For the longest time, marketers believed that bigger was better. Bigger ad formats, bigger ad sizes and bigger animations drove ever-larger and more intrusive ad design. That is, until ad blockers arrived on the scene. Now consumers are protesting and showing their dissatisfaction by using ad-blocking software.People grew familiar with the concept of ad blockers and the ethical debate surrounding the issue as the software slowly spread across desktops. But ad blockers received a huge boost in profile and became a critical issue in mobile just a few weeks ago, when Apple included support for mobile ad blockers in iOS 9.While European publishers and broadcasters attempt to battle ad blockers in court, there's much that can be done within the advertising industry to meet the needs of consumers who crave a better digital experience, ads and all. Ad design in particular is evolving to meet the needs of a generation of cross-screen consumers with little incentive to block ads, given the right type of ad experience. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2015-10-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #ad blockers #huge boost #european publishers #advertising industry #digital experience #ad experience

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