Turning Editorial Franchises into Brand Builders and Moneymakers

Bon Appétit’s "Hot 10" list of the best new restaurants in the country began as a typical magazine feature when it made its debut in BA's September restaurants issue in 2009. The following year, the magazine threw a party to honor and celebrate the restaurants, inviting them to New York to cook for an audience of editors and other VIPs. Every year that followed, the event expanded to include a wider audience, mostly comprised of Condé Nast editors, sales and marketing clients and other friends of the brand. In 2015, the magazine decided to sell 100 tickets to the event. They sold out within minutes. “We realized that we might have something there,” says Bree McKenney, head of marketing for Condé Nast's lifestyle division. “So the following year we pivoted the event from being exclusively for insiders to consumer facing. We knew that the experiential strategy would be a great way for our audience to touch and feel and taste what they love about the brand.” Ticket sales have since grown tenfold for what is now a weekend-long event, featuring sit-down meals and cooking classes with the hosts featured in Bon Appétit's popular videos and passes to Saturday night's "Hot 10 Party" ranging from $199 to $499. Bon Appétit expects more than 3,000 people to attend four days of eating, drinking, cooking this October in what’s evolved into "BA’s Best Weekend Ever." Driving the brand At a time when any site can throw together a listicle and hope that it goes viral, legacy print... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2019-09-27 19:55:46 UTC ]
News tagged with: #daily podcast #hotel chain #100th anniversary #selma blair #associate professor #syracuse university #bonnier

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