#publishers produce

Publishing news tagged with #publishers produce

Magazines Find Breakthrough Efficiencies in the Pitching Process

Sponsored by Submittable By and large, magazines have adapted to the digital world. They’ve stabilized their workforce and continue to combat falling subscription rates. Yet, there are two areas where publishers are still adjusting to a new normal. First, the amount of content that writers,... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Folio Magazine | 2019-05-01 00:00:00 UTC ]

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How Three Magazines Are Streamlining Their Online Editorial Processes

Sponsored by Submittable By and large, magazines have adapted to the digital world. They’ve stabilized their workforce and continue to combat falling subscription rates. Yet, there are two areas where publishers are still adjusting to a new normal. First, the amount of content that writers,... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Folio Magazine | 2019-05-01 00:00:00 UTC ]

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A Young (and Very Ambitious) Group of Publishers

The current crop of Russian publishers is collectively on the young side, many of them born shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Then, teething problems were many and the growth path rocky at times. But today these publishers produce nearly 120,000 new titles per year,... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2011-04-04 00:00:00 UTC ]

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