Cannes Lions’ last day (phew). Plus, Facebook’s familiar-looking new logo: Friday Wake-Up Call

Welcome to Ad Age’s Wake-Up Call, our daily roundup of advertising, marketing, media and digital news. You can get an audio version of this briefing on your Alexa device; sign up here. What people are talking about today US Weekly magazine’s website is running an article on “the Best Dressed Stars of the 2019 Cannes Lions Film Festival.” Last time we checked, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity was an advertising festival, non? But, whatever. As US writes, actress Kerry Washington “served up multiple killer looks, including a shimmery emerald green pleated gown with a lace cutout on her stomach.” There was obviously no need to mention all the ad execs wearing identical tote bags and accreditation tags. The work. The work. The work. There are a LOT of awards at the Cannes Lions festival, and the list of categories can be mind-numbing (“Film Craft Lions,” “Industry Craft Lions,” “Digital Craft Lions” and … you get the picture.) But today is the fifth and last day of the ad industry’s premier contest/convention/party, and it’s time to announce some of the most coveted awards. Later today the festival announces awards including its Titanium Lions, celebrating game-changing campaigns and “provocative, boundary-busting, envy-inspiring work.” May the best campaign win. Et finalement: Here’s our list of Cannes Grand Prix winners so far. And you can read more in our Cannes Nightcap newsletter, which includes a Naomi Campbell sighting on the beach. L’eggo my... Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2019-06-21 10:00:00 UTC ]
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Twitter And Facebook Are Turning Publishers Into Ghost Writers

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[ Advertising Age | 2015-10-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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New Jessie Burton novel called The Muse

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[ The Bookseller | 2015-10-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ The Guardian | 2015-10-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Facebook to Start Grading Ads' Results Across Its Mobile App Network

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