Study With Major Brands Compares Ad Recall for Mobile and Desktop Promos

If you want people to remember a mobile ad, you're going to have to pay for it, according to new research from digital ad firm Undertone. Last year, Undertone worked with Ipsos ASI to look at how takeover "high-impact" desktop ads affected brand recall. This year, the company looked at how those same ads stack up on smartphones and tablets. Undertone partnered with four brand-agency teams to test the differences between mobile and desktop ads: Dish (Havas Media), Ford (Team Detroit), Maybelline (DigitasLBi) and Philadelphia Cream Cheese (Starcom). Each team ran one campaign across smartphones, tablets and desktops, using three of Undertone's ad formats. An online panel of 3,600 U.S. adults ages 18 to 64 were then asked about the ads they saw. The first format was a standard display ad, which includes mobile banners and the rectangular promos that typically run on the side of publishers' sites. The second type was the Interactive Advertising Bureau's Rising Stars format—like a slideshow ad people can click on or a YouTube masthead placement. The third type of ad was the full-page takeover that pops up when users refresh or load new Web pages. Of course, those big takeover ads are going to cost marketers more, and they work best when combined with premium desktop ads that are also more expensive than basic banner ads. Undertone didn't disclose exact pricing for any of its ads. When people were asked if they remembered seeing full-page ads, 38 percent recalled seeing... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2015-07-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #web pages #consumer engagement #brands aren

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