The Wall Street Journal's Social Vendor Says Facebook Is Not Suppressing Conservative News

Facebook's main news section, called Trending, has never been so buzzy thanks to a political web it allegedly weaved itself, with many critics crawling to the surface in the last five days.  The digital giant has been bashed by right-wing pundits and other media watchers since Gizmodo published a story on Monday that Trending curators routinely muffle conservative news. The digital giant denied the allegations, suggesting what appears in the section is dictated more by an algorithm than human choice. But Republican U.S. senators starting making noise, and then the Guardian revealed Facebook's internal policy that shows curators have the freedom to "select the news," so to speak, on the social platform. Other publications accused Facebook of deception, and then the social network cleared the air a bit late on Thursday, admitting that what's trending on Facebook isn't always trending in the algorithmic sense. A couple hours later on Thursday evening, CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted on his platform that his company is investigating the matter, and added: "We have found no evidence that this report is true." The social king is indeed now in the public court. And a service provider for The Wall Street Journal—a steady supporter of conservative causes on their editorial pages—have Zuckerberg's back. Jim Anderson, CEO of SocialFlow, a software company that helps socialize content for major periodicals, says that relevant data points reveal that conservative news is not being... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2016-05-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Los Angeles Times | 2016-10-25 00:00:00 UTC ]
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