#medium-sized publishers

Publishing news tagged with #medium-sized publishers

The winners and losers of Facebook’s news feed change

With its latest algorithm tweak, Facebook said it will favor posts from friends and families over publishers. That's generally bad for publishers, which have been increasingly building their distribution strategies around the social behemoth. Within them, the ones with the most shareable content... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2016-06-30 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Independent Publishers Bet on Hot Audiobook Market

The thriving digital audiobook market is adding to small and medium-sized publishers' bottom lines. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2016-05-27 00:00:00 UTC ]

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New App Publishing Platform for Niche Publishers

While big-name magazines have held a presence on Apple’s Newsstand since its inception, small to medium-sized publishers have had a harder time breaking through. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Folio Magazine | 2012-06-28 00:00:00 UTC ]

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App Development Strategies for Small to Medium-Sized Publishers

Keeping pace with the dramatic changes on the smartphone and tablet front is no small feat for any publisher, but doing so presents a particular challenge for smaller companies without a safety net of funds for experimentation with platforms that are at once in their infancy and yet increasingly... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Folio Magazine | 2012-01-26 00:00:00 UTC ]

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