Big Publishers to Online Advertisers: Trust Us (and No One Else)

Big online publishers have a message for marketers: Stop putting so much faith in technology and realize that we're the only ones you can trust.This argument runs counter to one of the core principles of online advertising. For several years now, the advertising industry has been increasingly enamored of programmatic auctions. Instead of finding a specific destination, advertisers would plug a few of their key goals into an automated auction system -- show my ads to young women; find me people who are interested in buying a car -- and software automatically places the ads in front of the desired audience anywhere on the Internet.Automated auctions were a boon for smaller publishers, which rarely attracted attention from major advertisers and often lacked the resources to negotiate bespoke ad deals with national brands. It also turned out to be great for people looking to commit fraud. The dizzying complexity of programmatic auctions allowed fraudsters to hide among the middlemen and siphon money out of the system. This was done, in large part, by creating websites whose traffic was mostly robotic. According to a study conducted by the anti-fraud company White Ops, 11% of viewers of display ads in 2014 were robots. For video ads, it was 23%. The company says this type of fraud will cost advertisers $6.3 billion this year. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2015-10-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #smaller publishers #large part #study conducted

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