Why The Washington Post Magazine Created an “All-Cover” Issue for Earth Day

"A successful magazine cover makes a statement," wrote Richard Just, editor of The Washington Post Magazine, in a note accompanying the Sunday insert's April 21 issue. "The subject being illustrated is worth your time and attention." But for a topic as vital as climate change—around which the sometimes relentless flow of headlines can become dizzying—Just and his team decided to do a little bit more to cut through the noise: an issue comprised almost entirely of magazine covers (24 of them, to be exact), each highlighting a different WaPo story on the various ways in which climate change is hurting the planet. "People now consume so much journalism on a daily basis, and I think part of the job of a magazine is to surprise people and grab their attention by creating journalism that's unexpected," Just tells Folio:. It's not the first time Just and his team have experimented with unconventional means of engaging their readers. An "alternative storytelling" issue last September featured an original song by Ben Folds, a three-act play and a board game starring Betsy DeVos, among other things. Just says that producing an "all-cover issue" was a continuation of that same idea. "I think there are a bunch of ways a cover can grab readers’ attention," says Just. "Sometimes, it can also work to provoke people. But of course you want to provoke people in a way that’s going to cause them to want to learn more—not to simply throw the magazine aside in disgust. And a cover has got to... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2019-05-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #visual storytelling #driving traffic

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