Friday Wake-Up Call: What's Next For Papa John's After Its CEO Steps Down? Plus, Apple's PR Blunder

Facebook defends itselfWhen companies place job ads on Facebook and target them to younger users, is that ageist? Non-profit news organization ProPublica and The New York Times just raised concerns about the issue, adding that Amazon, Verizon, Goldman Sachs and Facebook itself use that practice; ProPublica quotes an employment expert who says doing so is "blatantly unlawful." As Ad Age's Garett Sloane writes, Facebook says it's doing nothing wrong here. "These individual ads are part of broader-based recruitment efforts designed to reach all ages," Rob Goldman, VP of ads at Facebook, said in a post. He compares that to how it's "OK to run employment ads in magazines and on TV shows targeted at younger or older people." He says that some companies may be actively looking for retirees, for example.Perhaps one reason that the New York Times-ProPublica report is getting traction is because it taps into the anxieties so many older workers feel. Silicon Valley, and quite a few industries, are youth-obsessed. Remember when Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg said in 2007 that "young people are just smarter"? The median age of a Facebook employee, according to data from Statista, is 28. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2017-12-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #older people #silicon valley #mark zuckerberg

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