Facebook Tests a News Feed Without Posts From Publishers

Antsy publishers are starting to fear for their position within Facebook's powerful News Feed, now that tests have begun pushing their posts to an alternate timeline.On Monday, Facebook acknowledged it was testing a version of the social network overseas where publishers' articles appear in a river of content separate from the main News Feed, which would be reserved for messages by family and friends. A publisher would have to pay for a sponsored post to get into the family and friends section."People have told us they want an easier way to see posts from friends and family, so we are testing two separate feeds, one as a dedicated space with posts from friends and family and another as a dedicated space for posts from Pages," a Facebook spokeswoman said in an e-mailed statement. "To understand if people like these two different spaces, we will test a few things, such as how people engage with videos and other types of posts." Continue reading at AdAge.com Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2017-10-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #sponsored post #separate feeds #dedicated space #e-mailed statement

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