The winners and losers of Facebook’s dive into header bidding

The social network's latest announcement is good news for publishers, Amazon and Facebook itself, but not so much for Google and traditional supply-side platforms. The post The winners and losers of Facebook’s dive into header bidding appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading at 'Digiday'

[ Digiday | 2017-03-29 00:00:00 UTC ]

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[ AdWeek | 2018-06-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
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The winners and losers of Facebook’s dive into header bidding

The social network's latest announcement is good news for publishers, Amazon and Facebook itself, but not so much for Google and traditional supply-side platforms. The post The winners and losers of Facebook’s dive into header bidding appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2017-03-29 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Advertising Age | 2016-12-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon Swings Into Header Bidding With Cloud-Based Service for Publishers

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[ Advertising Age | 2016-12-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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What Future Publishing has learned from using header bidding

Header bidding is a hot topic in publishing currently having unlocked new ways to bump up programmatic ad yields. Being early into the tech, case studies are still few and far between though magazine publisher Future has made some good headway. The group, which trades 70 percent of its 400... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-10-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Beware of page latency: The side effects to header bidding

Publishers have latched onto header bidding as a new means of raising digital ad yields, but like any hyped area of digital media, the down sides can take longer to air. Header bidding is making publishers good money in the short term, but the benefits for the long term are more opaque. Here are... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-09-20 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Get the guide and bypass the RTB waterfall

Header bidding is the latest buzzword on everyone’s lips. Once a simple hack to help publishers monetize, it’s evolved into a full fledged industry practice that’s helping to level the playing field between publisher and advertiser and stop publishers from careening down the RTB waterfall. But... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-09-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Confessions of an ad tech veteran: ‘Publishers need to audit their exchanges’

Header bidding as become a hot topic in publishing as a means of driving better programmatic ad yields, and even Facebook wants in on the action. But in our latest Confession, an ad tech veteran tells us how the race to adopt header bidding is a classic example of why ad tech tax isn't being... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-09-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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How Trinity Mirror raised its programmatic ad yields by 40 percent

Trinity Mirror is on a mission to drive up programmatic ad yields, and it's using a mix of methods to do so. Its relatively new programmatic team has been using data insights as a lead generation tool to court big brands like Nestle. It's also assigned people dedicated solely to monitoring yield... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-08-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Header-bidding tech should be free. An open letter to publishers

by Andrew Rutledge, VP Sales, Publisher Technology Group, AppNexus Dear Readers: If you’re a digital publisher or app developer, chances are you’ve been approached by numerous ad tech sales teams in recent months, each extolling the virtues of header bidding. How do I know this? Well, I run... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-04-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Infographic: Publishers dish on the buyer-seller relationship in 5 charts

We asked industry pros at yesterday’s Digiday Publishing Summit in Bologna to weigh in on the give and take between buyers and sellers. Here’s what they said about the balance of power and an emerging solution: header bidding. Sponsor content by PulsePoint. The post Infographic: Publishers dish... Continue reading at Digiday

[ Digiday | 2016-03-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
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