How Magazine Publishers Are Cutting Print Costs to Improve Profits

Sponsored by Cummings Printing When it comes to improving profits at print magazines, there’s a tendency to focus on new ways of driving revenue. But while keeping a close eye on expenses can also have a significant impact on the bottom line, today’s environment often calls for a balancing act. “We know that austerity doesn’t work,” says Erin O’Mara, president of The Nation. “We see that in countries and in businesses. If the cuts go too deep, they can strangle the ability to thrive. All potential expense has to be weighed against potential return, even if that return is down the road.” Holding down costs means taking a look at expenses across the board, from little things like office supplies and catered lunches to big ones like printing and postage. At Wainscot Media, a custom publisher in the healthcare and luxury marketing spaces, the company has taken a committee-based approach to cost-cutting, bringing together representatives from sales and marketing, editorial, accounting and other departments to look for areas in which the organization can lower expenses. “It’s a good approach, because then it’s a company-wide effort,” says CEO Mark Dowden. “Then when you put things into effect, they seem less draconian. They’re not coming from the top down.” Reducing frequency The trend toward fewer, higher quality issues carries on, as publishers continue implementing frequency reductions in print magazines, the most recent of which came earlier this month from Meredith Corp.,... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2019-06-27 17:04:10 UTC ]
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