YouTube added television data from Nielsen to its Reach Planner, which it rolled out in April 2018 to aid brands planning their media campaigns on YouTube and other video platforms. Product manager for video ads Dacheng Zhao said in a blog post that advertisers can now see how different distributions of ad spend across TV... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'
[ AdWeek | 2019-11-20 18:20:54 UTC ]
As Google and Facebook control an increasing amount of ad spend, publishers realize that the only way they can stay competitive is to join forces. Enter the programmatic co-op, which Europe's publishers see as a way to combine both their audiences and data. It's all about scale. Buyers,... Continue reading at Digiday
[ Digiday | 2015-03-20 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Giacomo D'Angelo, product manager at describes how BackTypo promises to help authors build beautiful books simply and easily. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives
[ Publishing Perspectives | 2014-07-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Publishers are claiming that content they share on Facebook pages isn't reaching as many readers as it used to. Adweek reached out to comScore to find out how referral traffic through Facebook has changed from Nov. 2013 to Feb. 2014 for several top properties. For reference, we also tracked the... Continue reading at AdWeek
[ AdWeek | 2014-03-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
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