Maryland lottery and gaming chief to retire after presiding over span with record lottery and casino revenues

Deputy Director James R. Nielsen will then become acting director while Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s appointments office searches for Gordon Medenica’s successor. Continue reading at 'Baltimore Sun'

[ Baltimore Sun | 2021-04-15 21:12:04 UTC ]

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AT&T casts sponsorship spell over new 'Harry Potter: Wizards Unite' game

AT&T is now part of Harry Potter lore as the first brand to ink a sponsorship deal with the new augmented reality game about the wizarding world. AT&T stores are incorporated into the landscape of the game, called “Harry Potter: Wizards Unite,” which is by Niantic, the creator of... Continue reading at Advertising Age

[ Advertising Age | 2019-06-21 21:00:51 UTC ]
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5 Key Takeaways From Reuters’ 2019 Digital News Report

An astonishing 91% of right-leaning Americans have lost faith in the media, according to a study from the Reuters Institute of Digital News and the University of Oxford. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism explained some of the key findings of the report,... Continue reading at AdWeek

[ AdWeek | 2019-06-20 11:00:53 UTC ]
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YouTube rolls out augmented reality, virtual try-ons for makeup brands, influencers

YouTube has introduced augmented reality into videos, providing a canvas for beauty bloggers to play with virtual makeup while also opening a new route for brands to hawk their products. On Tuesday, Google, which owns YouTube, announced the new augmented-reality feature, which enables “virtual... Continue reading at Advertising Age

[ Advertising Age | 2019-06-19 21:35:54 UTC ]
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How Nielsen Is Using Its Cannes Yacht for Good as Well as for Profit

CANNES, France--If you want to rent a yacht for client meetings, branded events or just a good, old-fashioned party in Cannes, it'll set you back about a quarter of a million dollars this week. As Adweek's Ronan Shields reported that's a relative bargain. Nielsen is back with its yacht this... Continue reading at AdWeek

[ AdWeek | 2019-06-19 20:19:28 UTC ]
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'Highly concerning': picture books bias worsens as female characters stay silent

Guardian research shows that the top 100 illustrated children’s books last year showed growing marginalisation of female and minority ethnic charactersThe most popular picture books published in 2018 collectively present a white and male-dominated world to children, feature very few BAME (black,... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2019-06-13 05:00:18 UTC ]
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Baltimore Mayor Pugh to take leave of absence in midst of 'Healthy Holly' book controversy

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, facing a call by Gov. Larry Hogan for a criminal investigation into the book deal that paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars, announced Monday that she will take an indefinite leave of absence because of her health. The Democratic mayor’s office issued a... Continue reading at Baltimore Sun

[ Baltimore Sun | 2019-04-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Maryland Gov. Hogan: 'not confident' facts are known on Baltimore Mayor Pugh and UMMS book deal

Gov. Larry Hogan said Friday more facts need to come out about the University of Maryland Medical System’s business deals with its board members, including Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s role. “I’m not confident that we do know all the facts,” Hogan said at a State House news conference that... Continue reading at Baltimore Sun

[ Baltimore Sun | 2019-03-29 00:00:00 UTC ]
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