Is YP's Search Data Strong Enough to Win More Local Digital Ad Dollars?

A few years ago, Foursquare, Yelp and Groupon seemed to be booming with brands and consumers, painting a pretty lucrative picture of the future of local advertising. Fast-forward to today—Yelp is reportedly up for sale, Foursquare's growth has stalled, and the daily-deal market has burned out. Just as the future of local digital advertising looks like an uphill struggle again, YP is transitioning from its roots in print phone books to mobile and display advertising with what it claims is a lot of data to please both small businesses and big brands. At the same time, YP is up against giants like Facebook, Amazon and Google that now also have their sights set on local advertising. "We see this tension [in small businesses], as well in the national players, between search and display," said Darren Clark, YP's chief technology officer. "More and more, we think they converge and complement each other. We have really good visibility into when customers are looking for stuff. Our ability to retarget off of that gives us a leg up in terms of attribution and all the things that can be in a big media plan." Today, YP is launching a new mobile and online ad product for small businesses called ypDisplay, which lets marketers zero in on potential customers who have shown an interest in a product. The tool enables small- to medium-sized marketers to run geo-fenced mobile campaigns around places like car dealerships and malls. Brands will be able to pinpoint folks who searched for... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2015-07-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #location-based ads #forrester research #drive sales

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