How Trinity Mirror raised its programmatic ad yields by 40 percent

Trinity Mirror is on a mission to drive up programmatic ad yields, and it's using a mix of methods to do so. Its relatively new programmatic team has been using data insights as a lead generation tool to court big brands like Nestle. It's also assigned people dedicated solely to monitoring yield optimization on Facebook's Instant Articles and Google AMP. The publisher's programmatic director Amir Malik said header bidding is also proving lucrative, despite only being a "plaster" to the gaping wound programmatic has created in revenue. The post How Trinity Mirror raised its programmatic ad yields by 40 percent appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading at 'Digiday'

[ Digiday | 2016-08-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #trinity mirror #google amp #header bidding

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