A Brita Filter for Ad Fraud? Fake Traffic Fighter Pixalate Has Built One

For advertisers and online publishers, combating ad fraud today is akin to a retailer trying to fight shoplifters by catching them in the act. But one ad- tech company has come up with an approach that's more like bouncing shoplifters before they can even enter the store.Ad-fraud prevention firm Pixalate has built a piece of hardware it's calling the Pixalate Security Threat Intelligence Dome that serves as a Brita water filter to sift out fraudulent traffic before an advertiser buys an ad against those impressions and wastes its money.Fake traffic has become a big problem for advertisers and publishers trying to coax brands budgets online. Advertisers will waste $6.3 billion buying ads against fake impressions this year, according to an estimate from White Ops, a company that makes money by helping advertisers identify fraudulent traffic. In a recent interview, CBS Interactive's Chief Revenue Officer and Interactive Advertising Bureau Chairman David Morris said that fraud ranks second behind viewability as the biggest issue facing publishers today. Continue reading at AdAge.com Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2015-06-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #fake traffic #big problem #waste $6 #recent interview #cbs interactive

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