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Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite Kids tablet offers a more eye-friendly reading experience than the regular Kindle Kids, but that features comes at a premium price. Right now, though, they're on sale with the biggest discounts we've seen yet, letting you grab one for just $105 or $55 (34 percent) off... Continue reading at 'Engadget'
[ Engadget | 2023-02-22 11:58:13 UTC ]
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You up? It's People. Starting Sunday, People magazine says it will be offering free, exclusive Oscars red carpet and backstage content to users who text 212-479-1704 and sign up by providing their name and phone number. The project is part of a partnership with Community, a messaging platform... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'
[ Folio Magazine | 2020-02-04 19:22:48 UTC ]
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