Why the NFL and NCIS give CBS the edge in its DirecTV carriage fight

If you can find a bookie who’ll take some action on the latest pay-TV carriage dispute, bet everything you have that the stalemate between AT&T and CBS will end before the 2019 NFL season kicks off in September. Like Time Warner Cable before them, the phone company and its DirecTV subsidiary are about to learn a hard-fought lesson in leverage, a quality that’s in short supply for an industry that can’t seem to stop hemorrhaging subscribers. If history is any guide, AT&T will have a new agreement with CBS worked out before both sides knock off for the long Labor Day weekend. As much as AT&T is placing the blame at the network’s feet—the first line of the on-screen message that now greets New York-area DirecTV subs when they navigate to WCBS-2 reads, “CBS has removed this channel from your lineup despite our request to keep it available to you”—the operator will bear the brunt of the blowback should fans fear they’re in any danger of missing out on the start of football season. The clock is ticking. AT&T needs to get its ducks in a row by Sunday, Sept. 8, when CBS’s regional NFL coverage kicks off. Jets, Dolphins, Ravens and Seahawks fans who subscribe to DirecTV in the 17 markets impacted by the blackout will have to scramble to make other arrangements if their CBS feed remains offline, and things will only get uglier as the season progresses. CBS’s first national NFL TV window is scheduled for Sept. 22, and features what should be an all-out air war... Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2019-07-22 20:52:00 UTC ]
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