Patrick Cockburn: ‘An effective terrorist attack requires the complicity of governments’

The prizewinning reporter talks about his famous father, writing with his son and his new book about Islamic stateThe morning I meet foreign correspondent Patrick Cockburn is, appropriately enough, one that will reverberate in world politics for some time to come. As I step off the train in Canterbury, news has just broken of murders at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. Such is the seriousness of the attack, the location and the nature of the target, it’s immediately clear millions will be drawn into the drama: western governments and their Middle Eastern counterparts, Muslims living unexceptional lives and, indeed, journalists everywhere. A web of reaction and counterreaction, of just the kind Cockburn has spent his life examining, will extend from Washington to Lahore.Events are still unfolding as I reach his ancient house, half a mile or so from the cathedral, and I explain breathlessly what has happened. “Let’s watch the news for five minutes, and then we’ll talk,” he suggests, wondering whether Sky or the BBC will be better, and settling on the latter. “Of course, there’s often very little to say at times like this, so you end up with a certain amount of speculation.” We watch in silence as video of what appears to be a shootout on a Parisian street is played over and over again. Cockburn sits impassively, absorbing what information there is, then asks me to press the mute button. He calls the newsdesk at the Independent and leaves a message offering to weigh in as... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2015-01-24 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Patrick O’Toole

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[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2013-10-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Furloughed by the government? At least you've got time to read. (+video)

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[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2013-10-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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