Magazine Company Execs Talk About Taking On Tech, Disruption

The five magazine media company executives who graced the stage at the Grand Hyatt in Midtown Tuesday night all had specific (well, somewhat specific) ideas for how to grow their companies and take advantage of industry-wise disruptions, but only one called for an across-the-board increase in swagger to help combat the rising market share held by tech giants like Facebook and Snapchat."What we have to do is all pull together and act a little bigger than we are, and have a little swagger in our step, as it relates to competing with some of these other platforms that do not deliver nearly as good an ROI for the advertisers as we do," said Meredith Corp. CEO Stephen M. Lacy.For the panel, the last event in the two-day 2016 American Magazine Media Conference, Mr. Lacy was joined on stage by Cond Nast CEO Bob Sauerberg, Time Inc. CEO Joe Ripp, Hearst Magazines President David Carey, and Rodale CEO Maria Rodale. CNN's Brian Stelter moderated. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2016-02-03 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #tech giants #grand hyatt #meredith corp

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