Lobster at work on Rosie Project

Penguin is raising awareness of a forthcoming fiction launch today (14th February), encouraging... Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2013-02-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #rosie project #raising awareness

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Ozone Project to sell ads on self-serve basis after striking OpenX deal

UK news publishers want to make it easier for advertisers to buy directly and keep control of their data. Continue reading at Media Week

[ Media Week | 2019-06-26 08:28:48 UTC ]
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Lululemon’s first skincare products get you from workout to work without a shower

Lululemon launches Self Care, a skincare line carefully designed to make the post-workout shower unnecessary. Let’s face it: Post-gym showers ruin everything. You plan your day, trying to squeeze in a run or spin class during your lunch break. But you worry you won’t have enough time to clean... Continue reading at Fast Company

[ Fast Company | 2019-06-18 09:10:10 UTC ]
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The Secret Rebellion of Amelia Bedelia, the Bartleby of Domestic Work

Sarah Blackwood writes on the “Amelia Bedelia” book series, by Peggy Parish, and how it illuminates and captures the feeling of the often invisible realm of women’s work. Continue reading at New Yorker

[ New Yorker | 2019-06-10 18:50:41 UTC ]
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Research project sees students hand over social media details

Employers who ask to see your Facebook page during an interview aren't breaking the law, but they could be crossing a line. Continue reading at Stuff

[ Stuff | 2019-06-08 17:00:00 UTC ]
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Bucking the Trend: Print Magazines Still Work for (Some) Publishers

Much like the several years that have preceded it, 2019 will see the deaths of many a once-formidable print magazine. Some will find new life online, some will fade into irrelevance, and many that survive will scramble to implement new business models, hoping to save their print foundations... Continue reading at Folio Magazine

[ Folio Magazine | 2019-05-30 18:30:31 UTC ]
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Here's what's inside Intel's boundary-pushing 'Project Athena' laptops—and why

After unveiling its grand vision for the future of mobile computing at CES in January, Intel finally provided more detail on what exactly will be inside the “Project Athena” notebooks that will begin shipping later this year, showcasing how the company thinks the laptop market should... Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2019-05-28 06:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon is working on a device that can read human emotions

Amazon.com Inc. is developing a voice-activated wearable device that can recognize human emotions. The wrist-worn gadget is described as a health and wellness product in internal documents reviewed by Bloomberg. It’s a collaboration between Lab126, the hardware development group behind Amazon’s... Continue reading at Advertising Age

[ Advertising Age | 2019-05-23 22:06:23 UTC ]
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Biographer Robert Caro on his own life’s work

The painstaking author offers tips and anecdotes from his decades at the typewriter. Continue reading at The Washington Post

[ The Washington Post | 2019-05-17 12:20:32 UTC ]
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Facebook bans Israeli company, saying it worked to disrupt elections

Facebook Inc. said Thursday it banned an Israeli company that ran an influence campaign aimed at disrupting elections in various countries and has canceled dozens of accounts engaged in spreading disinformation. Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, told reporters that... Continue reading at Baltimore Sun

[ Baltimore Sun | 2019-05-16 22:40:00 UTC ]
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Facebook bans Israeli company, saying it worked to disrupt elections

Facebook Inc. said Thursday it banned an Israeli company that ran an influence campaign aimed at disrupting elections in various countries and has canceled dozens of accounts engaged in spreading disinformation. Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, told reporters that... Continue reading at Baltimore Sun

[ Baltimore Sun | 2019-05-16 22:40:00 UTC ]
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The Ozone Project woos brands as agencies hold back

Touted just under 12 months ago, the joint digital display-ad sales platform operated by four major news publishers is now up and running. So, what's the early prognosis? Continue reading at Media Week

[ Media Week | 2019-05-14 13:17:02 UTC ]
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Time to work together, Academic Book Trade Conference told

The academic book trade must “work together in these turbulent times”, in the face of Brexit, political turmoil and the impact of the Teaching Excellence Framework, the Academic Book Trade Conference was told. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-05-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
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What I needed as a working-class writer

There’s a lot of debate about diversity in publishing—but how exactly can working class writers overcome the barriers? Kia Abdullah offers five tools that made a difference for her. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-05-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
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This is a visualization exercise that actually works, according to neuroscience

Many self-help books and gurus tout visualization as the key to their success. Is it effective? A neuroscientist says yes, provided that you harness your brain appropriately. I’m a big believer in the power of creating a visual “action board.” Doing so can prime your brain to grasp... Continue reading at Fast Company

[ Fast Company | 2019-05-09 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Jonathan Stroud partners with European fan fiction project

Author Jonathan Stroud is working with Read On, a four-year project funded in part by the EU, to encourage young people across Europe to write fan fiction. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-05-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Barack and Michelle Obama reveal first projects for Netflix

Barack and Michelle Obama have revealed their first string of productions for Netflix which includes a project with author Michael Lewis. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-05-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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The Green New Deal’s supporters hope to harness power of narrative with Federal Writers’ Project

The ambitious proposal echoes the legendary 1930s-era New Deal project that employed such greats as Ralph Ellison, Saul Bellow, and Zora Neale Hurston. Any collective plan to avert planetary disaster will first need to harness the full powers of storytelling and mythology if it’s going to stand... Continue reading at Fast Company

[ Fast Company | 2019-04-30 00:00:00 UTC ]
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‘SpongeBob SquarePants’ game show for super fans is in the works

Calling all “SpongeBob SquarePants” super fans: It’s game time. Viacom Digital Studios is creating a game show based on the popular animated series, the company announced Monday. The “SpongeBob Smarty Pants Game Show” will debut later this year on Facebook and the SpongeBob-branded YouTube... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2019-04-29 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Richard Charkin: Reflections on Publishing Association Work

Richard Charkin looks back at his four decades with the UK's Publishers Association and the many book publishing issues the PA dealt with. The post Richard Charkin: Reflections on Publishing Association Work appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2019-04-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Rigoberto González on how his latest work, 'The Book of Ruin,' gives voice to nature

Rigoberto González’s recent book of poetry, "The Book of Ruin," has a dark core. “It’s an apocalyptic narrative,” González tells The Times in a video interview. “I’m imagining the end of the world: climate change, all of the different damage that we’ve done to this world. I’m exploring the ways... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2019-04-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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