How to create meaning and value in the metaverse

The CEO of Storyblocks discusses three considerations for companies that want to compete in this immersive new world—one of which is to spread the wealth. Tech companies are currently stumbling over themselves to see who can make a bigger bet on the metaverse. However, beyond a massive financial commitment, exactly what it will take to win is still largely unproven. Will it simply be a “copy and paste” of the current digital landscape? Will our ad-filled 2D screens simply morph into privately owned virtual worlds overflowing with 3D ads? I think we all hope for something more. In the end, brands that actively try to right what the social web got wrong, and embrace the unique attributes of the new medium, will develop winning metaverse strategies.Read Full Story Continue reading at 'Fast Company'

[ Fast Company | 2022-02-28 05:00:22 UTC ]
News tagged with: #tech companies #social web #privately owned

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