Here’s Why Mobile Video Is Confusing and Scary to Advertisers

There is a consensus in advertising that mobile video is the future, but that future is still hazy. Mobile video can run in apps like Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube or be bought through ad networks that serve the mobile Web. There are six-second, 15-second and 30-second formats, and there are Gifs. There also are ways to measure by impression or engagement. It's this fragmented landscape that is creating uncertainty at an otherwise golden moment for mobile video, according to eMarketer, which released a report today taking a comprehensive look at the forces shaping the sector. "There's still some inconsistency with the ad formats for mobile video," said eMarketer analyst Jeremy Kressmann. "There's in-stream video working off publishers' native players; there's interstitials that pop up; there's in-app, in-game video; interactive video; in banner and in-feed video." "It's confusing on the ad-buyer side trying to figure out what they're buying and how to get scale," he said. Mobile video is among the fastest growing segments in digital advertising, attracting $2.6 billion in the U.S. this year, an increase of 70 percent since last year, according to eMarketer. But that figure still only represents about 10 percent of all mobile advertising. Everyone from Facebook to Twitter to Pinterest is developing video ad styles, and YouTube is evolving to attract more brand dollars. One of the top concerns is a lack of uniformity across all the places to buy and all the formats.... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2015-06-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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