#ad budgets

Publishing news tagged with #ad budgets

Nielsen Introduces Database Designed to Measure Ad Campaign Effectiveness

Key Insight: Demand for more accountability and transparency has been loud for years, and cuts to ad budgets during the pandemic have made it louder. Today, global measurement and data analytics firm Nielsen is rolling out a new tool called Nielsen Compass, which matches audience levels across... Continue reading >>
[ Source: AdWeek | 2020-09-17 12:00:07 UTC ]

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Could Google and Facebook’s Challengers Steal Away Ad Budgets by Working Together on Metrics?

In an Adweek magazine feature story this week about Facebook's and Google's metrics issues, Treasure Data CMO Kiyoto Tamura offered what seemed like a novel idea. What if Twitter, Snapchat and Pinterest worked together--perhaps with either the Advertising Research Foundation or the Interactive... Continue reading >>
[ Source: AdWeek | 2017-04-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Here’s Why Mobile Video Is Confusing and Scary to Advertisers

There is a consensus in advertising that mobile video is the future, but that future is still hazy. Mobile video can run in apps like Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube or be bought through ad networks that serve the mobile Web. There are six-second, 15-second and 30-second formats, and there are... Continue reading >>
[ Source: AdWeek | 2015-06-05 00:00:00 UTC ]

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