Forecast 2020: Publishing Trends to Watch For

2019 was a year full of ups and downs. It was neither a good nor bad year. However, many of the events, people and trends we reported on set the stage for 2020. For the past three years I have attempted to take my best stab at what we should expect in the months ahead, as we continue to push the limits of storytelling, while also moving our businesses and industry forward. I admit that I am light on specifics when it comes to these annual predictions, and for good reason. It’s impossible to see the future in an industry that is wildly unpredictable. But perhaps it's that unpredictable nature and constant transformation that makes all, or at least most, of us love working in publishing. This year I decided to add a few more predictions than my standard three. I realize you could probably posit dozens of things that could happen over the next 11+ months, however, I think these are among the more intriguing developments to watch for. 1. The rise of the unions For the past three or four years we have been seeing a steady increase in newsrooms unionizing, from the now-defunct Gawker Media to Slate, and the most recent push at Hearst, just to name a few. As Hearst continues to work through a union uprising, don’t be surprised to see this happen at other media companies with significant enough staff sizes to actually pull it off. As consolidation continues to reshape the industry, along with belt tightening, unionizing is a logical antidote. In other words, as more newsrooms... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2020-01-09 15:58:19 UTC ]

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