5 Things Editors and Publishers Can Do to Survive Digital Disruption

About a year ago, I stopped referring to Bon Appétit as a magazine and started calling it a brand. Six months later I even dropped the air quotes. Not that it was easy. If you attended journalism school or worked for your college daily, you were reared on the separation of church and state. Editors edited, publishers sold ads. Period. But college was a while ago. The mediascape is so competitive and fractured these days, you can't not be in sync with your publisher—across all channels. And, man, there are a lot of channels. It's like we're DirecTV. At Bon Appétit we publish a monthly magazine, run a 24-7 website, crank out active Twitter and Instagram feeds, shoot weekly videos, produce special issues, publish cookbooks, record podcasts, orchestrate food festivals and throw really groovy dinners in our fancy-pants dining room at One World Trade Center. So yeah, we're a lot more than just a magazine. We're absolutely a brand. Or at least we strive to be. The question is, how do those of us formerly known as magazines operate on all these platforms while maintaining quality control and staying on message? What's the secret? I wish I knew. Adam Rapoport Illustration: Alex Fine What works on one platform often doesn't on another. In Bon Appétit (the magazine) we deliver a "premium" experience—lush visuals, rigorously tested recipes, far-flung destinations, highly curated goods and access to personalities we all wish we could be—or at least have a drink with. But... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2015-06-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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