The latest season for one of television's most beloved crime drama series has a Saskatchewan connection. Joel D. Montgrand is playing the role of Eddie Qavvik in True Detective: Night Country, the fourth season of the HBO anthology series. Continue reading at 'CBC'
[ CBC | 2024-02-05 11:00:06 UTC ]
Lit Lists The Editors of WLT Earlier this summer, the editors of WLT invited more than two dozen writers to nominate one book, published since 1969, that most influenced their extraliterary commitments, along with a brief statement explaining their... Continue reading at World Literature Today
[ World Literature Today | 2019-07-31 20:17:00 UTC ]
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In “Our Women on the Ground,” an anthology edited by the Lebanese-British journalist Zahra Hankir, 19 female journalists recount their experiences. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2019-07-29 15:37:53 UTC ]
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Scarlett Curtis, the writer and activist behind Feminists Don't Wear Pink (and other lies), is curating a second anthology for Penguin about mental health. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2019-07-29 13:46:30 UTC ]
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The romance genre has all but disappeared from films, so now several cable and streaming outlets have claimed it for themselves. The latest to jump on board is Amazon Prime Video. The streaming service will soon air Modern Love, a new anthology series debuting Oct. 18 that features eight... Continue reading at AdWeek
[ AdWeek | 2019-07-28 00:59:10 UTC ]
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Book Reviews Amy Lantrip Photo by Ethan Chiang / Flickr Contemporary Taiwanese Women Writers: An Anthology (Cambria Press, 2018) is a collection of short stories in translation featuring contemporary Taiwanese authors.[i] This compilation is diverse... Continue reading at World Literature Today
[ World Literature Today | 2019-07-18 14:13:08 UTC ]
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Flame Tree Publishing has signed a deal with the Crime Writers’ Association (CWA) to publish the latest anthology of stories by CWA members. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2019-07-17 13:07:23 UTC ]
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Advertisers looking to shill for their products and services within the context of an Emmy Award-winning series are once again more or less out of luck, as premium cable and streaming platforms gobbled up most of this morning’s nominations. Of the dozens of scripted, reality and variety series... Continue reading at Advertising Age
[ Advertising Age | 2019-07-16 19:19:03 UTC ]
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This excerpt-sampler of work from the anthology ‘Drawing Power: Women's Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival’ Edited by Diane Noomin, includes three stories by artists who survived sexual assault: Lee Mars’ “Got Over It,” Carol Lay’s “A Sampler of Misdeeds,” and Ajuan Mance’s... Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2019-07-16 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Cultural Cross Sections Margaret Randall Children’s choir at the 2014 La Matanza Book Fair / Photo by Mauro Rico / Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación / Flickr When good engineers or scientists emigrate, they are able to continue their work. Novelists... Continue reading at World Literature Today
[ World Literature Today | 2019-07-10 21:07:28 UTC ]
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A new set of five poems goes live on London tubes on July 1st for four weeks. Some deal specifically with the urgent issue of climate change. Others reflect more generally on how human beings take solace and meaning from their living world of earth, sea and sky.The poems:Still Life with Sea... Continue reading at British Council global
[ British Council global | 2019-06-26 17:36:35 UTC ]
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Riots and parades have made LGBTQ people visible. But a new anthology of writings from before, during, and after Stonewall shows the inward changes as more essential. Continue reading at The Atlantic
[ The Atlantic | 2019-06-26 14:29:00 UTC ]
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They turned down Ulysses and Animal Farm, but still shaped 20th‑century literatureAll publishing houses have archives, but for anyone interested in 20th-century literature the archive of Faber & Faber is a fabled treasure house. This is the firm that was, as Toby Faber puts it, “midwife at... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2019-06-20 11:00:08 UTC ]
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An indie publisher has been forced to find a new venue to launch its anti-Brexit poetry anthology Bollocks to Brexit: An Anthology of Poems and Short Fiction after the church where it was due to be held refused to host the event, citing issues with political balance. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2019-06-20 07:09:36 UTC ]
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Intan Paramaditha will be appearing alongside Syd Moore to discuss re-writing old stories and myths with a contemporary, feminist slant at the Essex Book Festival on 15 March 2019 at 19.00. Find out more and book tickets here. What’s exciting about Indonesian literature at the moment, and... Continue reading at British Council global
[ British Council global | 2019-02-21 11:15:36 UTC ]
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Starz has renewed its Michael Bay drama "Black Sails" for a fourth season and announced it is developing "Havana Quartet," a drama based on the Leonardo Padura detective book series that will star Antonio Banderas. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2015-08-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Horror master INJ Culbard has adapted 'True Detective' inspiration 'The King in Yellow,' Robert W. Chambers's famed tale of a forbidden play that drives all to madness. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2015-06-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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HBO's hit new show has catapulted a 100-year-old short-story collection onto the bestseller lists.A collection of strange art nouveau stories by American author Robert W. Chambers, The King in Yellow has gone virtually unread for most of the past century. The first half of the book is made up of... Continue reading at Fast Company
[ Fast Company | 2014-03-07 00:00:00 UTC ]
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