‘The real Rupert’: News Corp global chief says idea that Murdoch influences elections is a ‘myth’

Robert Thomson says media empire’s newspapers have a common ‘philosophy’ and denies they have performed a backflip on climate change in AustraliaGet our free news app;get our morning email briefingThe idea that Rupert Murdoch influences Australian elections is a “myth” and far removed from the behaviour of “the real Rupert”, the media mogul’s global chief executive, Robert Thomson, has told a parliamentary inquiry.Thomson rejected a suggestion by the inquiry chair, Sarah Hanson-Young, that the chairman and CEO of News Corp had a hand in directing his newspaper editors on which party should win.Sign up to receive an email with the top stories from Guardian Australia every morning Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2021-10-22 04:46:20 UTC ]
News tagged with: #robert thomson #media empire #climate change #media mogul #parliamentary inquiry #sarah hanson-young #top stories #guardian australia #news corp

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