The Queer Beauty of Unfaithful Translations, by paparouna

The Queer Beauty of Unfaithful Translations, by paparouna Essay [email protected] Tue, 02/25/2025 - 15:23 Photo by Igne B / Unsplash The author explores some common issues in translation and how they might affect translation of queer texts. Moving away from purely theoretical discussions, the author also provides some easily understood and playfully named tools for queer translators.Translations are like women. When they are pretty, chances are they won’t be very faithful.[i]I'm reading Giota Tempridou’s newest book, a novella. While my intent is to translate it, I often find myself at a loss. There is no way that a “faithful” translation will make any sense to an English reader. Lawrence Venuti’s critiques of fluency as a means of perpetuating the hegemony of the English language notwithstanding,[ii] I was attracted to Giota’s writing because of its beauty and how it’s eminently readable in Greek. The internal rhythm and rhyme, the wordplay, the allusions and references to folk aphorisms and Greek children’s songs, even the ways in which her language violates rules of grammar and syntax, all combine to take a text that is ultimately about gendered violence—specifically about the violence of the father—and make it light; light not as in trivial or unsubstantial, but light as in this is a story that many of us carry as a heavy burden, and Giota offers it to us as music, as poetry, as a weight that we can endure by naming... Continue reading at 'World Literature Today'

[ World Literature Today | 2025-02-25 21:23:36 UTC ]

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