The dream of dual-booting Windows 10 on Chromebooks appears dead

It sounded dreamy. Late last year, signs of an “AltOS” mode appeared in Google code, indicating that the company was working on a way to let you dual-boot into Windows 10 on high-end Chromebooks like the Pixelbook. It was apparently too good to be true, alas, as new developments suggest that Google abandoned the secretive “Project Campfire” months ago.Poking around Chromium code, Redditor u/crosfrog noticed comments stating AltOS mode is now deprecated, as first reported by Kevin Tofel at About Chromebooks. Tofel says that active development on Project Campfire halted last December after an initial flurry of activity. The dream of dual-booting Windows on Chromebooks appears to be dead.  To read this article in full, please click here Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2019-05-16 18:03:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #initial flurry

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