Snapchat infiltrates Instagram. And Edelman drops a controversial client: Wednesday Wake-Up Call

Welcome to Ad Age’s Wake-Up Call, our daily roundup of advertising, marketing, media and digital news. You can get an audio version of this briefing on your Alexa device; sign up here. Snapchat infiltrates Instagram Snapchat is running its first global paid-media campaign, and it’s using the occasion to subtly throw shade at rival Instagram. As Ad Age’s Garett Sloane writes, the campaign is called “Real Friends,” and it focuses on friendships between people who use the messaging app to bond in fun ways. Snapchat is hoping to build on the strong user growth it’s seen recently. And it’s getting its message out on billboards, digital, broadcast, print—and on Instagram, which is less about building "real" relationships and more about presenting an idealized, carefully curated vision of your life. As Sloane reports, Snapchat paid Instagram influencers to post inspirational quotes about friendship that are part of its ad campaign. Such as this one from singer-songwriter Joan Jett: “You don’t lose when you lose fake friends.” Touché. Edelman drops a client that runs border detention centers Ogilvy has reportedly faced an internal backlash from employees upset about its work for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Now The New York Times reports Edelman has been caught up in a similar controversy, and it says it has resigned the client. The client was GEO Group, a private, Florida-based company that has contracts to run U.S. detention centers for immigrants. The PR giant had... Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

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