Publishers Have to Pay Up to Track Their Audiences on Distributed Platforms

Publishers are increasingly coming around to the idea of a distributed future. They're re-allocating resources to build teams that produce content for specific social platforms, and they're giving away articles on platforms like Apple News, Facebook and Flipboard, hoping to make money by selling ads against them there instead of just linking back to their own sites.Not wanting to undermine the apparent size of their audiences, publishers have taken comfort in promises that their traffic on these platforms would count toward audience measurement tallies from third-party companies such as ComScore. But some have been disappointed to find that "keeping" the traffic they earn that way comes at an additional cost.There are unique technical challenges to implenting ComScore tracking on each specific platform, and publishers are being asked to underwrite the extra services. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2016-03-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #apple news #make money #selling ads #additional cost

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