How to tweet without ending up in prison

An ill-judged tweet can land you in a whole lot of legal bother, as Peaches Geldof and Sally Bercow know only too well. So the attorney general's new guidelines are essential readingIt doesn't seem real to think that you could take your phone out of your pocket right now, type a few words on it, and put yourself irrevocably on the path to prison. In the UK, however, those are the risks that all journalists live with. And as the attorney general points out today, whenever you publish something on the internet, you are a journalist as well. (But without a legal department or a scuzzy reputation.)From now on, the attorney general's office will issue its own public advisory notices, which previously had been sent only to mainstream news outlets whenever a specific case was causing concern. And it warns that sentences may get stiffer, as people can't claim ignorance in mitigation. If you like to talk about what's happening in the world online, follow @AGO_UK, and the rules below.Don't name and shame When the footballer Ched Evans was convicted of rape last year, his victim, a 19-year-old woman, was named more than 6,000 times on Twitter by people who thought he was innocent. Since then, nine people have been convicted and fined. Naming them, of course, is perfectly legal.Don't assume it's already out there Peaches Geldof says she found the names of the women who allowed their children to be abused by Ian Watkins "on several different websites", and believed they'd already... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2013-12-04 00:00:00 UTC ]
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