Google's New Real-Time Audience Measurement Is a Brand Play

Google announced a new partnership with comScore today that it said will improve its ability to tell brand marketers about their digital campaigns. Google touted a new measurement tool—available to DoubleClick advertisers and publishers—that will deliver real-time data about who is seeing ads through the platform. This real-time data would allow advertisers and publishers to tweak campaigns on the fly to make sure the marketing reaches the intended audience. Google hopes this type of demographic control—which goes a step beyond what TV offers with moment-by-moment performance reports—lures brands to spend more on digital. ComScore already offers an ad metric called Validated Campaign Essentials, which will now be baked into Google’s DoubleClick ad exchange. The partnership was announced today at the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s conference in Palm Springs, Calif. Google has been making a number of changes to its ad business to accommodate more brand advertisers to whom reaching the right crowd is more important than clicks. Google recently partnered with Nielsen to deliver YouTube demographic data. “There’s lots more to come, and we're working on ways to help brands at all stages of the measurement pyramid,” said Neal Mohan, Google’s vp of digital advertising in today’s press release. “More actionable, open and transparent measurement will help bring more great campaigns and brands online, which in turn helps to fund web services and content.” The comScore metric... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2014-02-11 00:00:00 UTC ]
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