Google, Facebook continue massive lobbying efforts in Q3

Google and Facebook continued to pour millions of dollars into federal political lobbying in the third quarter in attempts to influence U.S. lawmakers and have legislation written in their favor.Google spent US$3.94 million between July and September while Facebook spent $2.45 million, according to disclosure data published Tuesday.The only tech-related company to outspend Google was Comcast, which is trying to convince politicians to look favorably on a merger with Time Warner and spent $4.23 million during the quarter.But Google stands as the largest spender in the entire tech industry to date this year. It has run up a $13 million bill lobbying Washington, D.C., politicians and their offices on a range of issues as diverse as online regulation of advertising, cybersecurity, patent abuse, health IT, international tax reform, wind power and drones.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2014-10-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
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