Giant advertiser Unilever threatens to pull its ads from Facebook and Google over 'toxic content'

One of the world's largest advertisers is threatening to pull its ads from social sites such as Facebook and YouTube if the tech companies don't do more to minimize divisive content on their platforms. Unilever's chief marketing officer, Keith Weed, will call on Silicon Valley on Monday to better... Continue reading at 'Los Angeles Times'

[ Los Angeles Times | 2018-02-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #largest advertisers #social sites #silicon valley

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Apple Rejects Sony Reader App, Tightens Grip on Content Sales

Apple has reportedly rejected Sony's reader app from the App store for selling content within the app and letting customers make purchases outside the App store (such as within the Sony Reader Store, according to The New York Times. Continue reading at Folio Magazine

[ Folio Magazine | 2011-02-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple rewrites rules on selling content via apps

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[ The Bookseller | 2011-02-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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High Impact Ads on the Rise for MPA Members

While it may not apply to overall advertising budgets, "big" was in for individual ad pages that ran in MPA member magazines in 2010. According to data collected by MagazineRadar, high-impact ads that ran on heavy stock were up 19 percent in 2010 and the actual ad size increased as well: the... Continue reading at Folio Magazine

[ Folio Magazine | 2011-01-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
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