Europe backs new laws that clamp down on Facebook, Google, Big Tech: Wednesday Wake-Up Call

Welcome to Ad Age's Wake-Up Call, our daily roundup of advertising, marketing, media and digital news. You can get an audio version of this briefing on your Alexa device. Search for "Ad Age" under "Skills" in the Alexa app.What people are talking about todayEurope just pushed through another reform to rein in Google, Facebook and Big Tech. European Union lawmakers "have endorsed an overhaul of the bloc's two-decade old copyright rules, which will force Google and Facebook to pay publishers for use of news snippets and make them filter out protected content," Reuters reports. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2019-03-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #digital news #audio version #alexa device #alexa app #copyright rules #pay publishers #news snippets #reuters reports

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Facebook must comply with German data protection law, court rules

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