Editor & Publisher Magazine Sold to Digital Media Consultant

A decade after rescuing it from an imminent shutdown, Duncan McIntosh has sold newspaper industry trade magazine Editor & Publisher to consultant Mike Blinder for an undisclosed sum. In an announcement late last week, E&P indicated that its upcoming October issue will be the first produced under its new publisher, who says that he isn't taking a salary and plans to broaden the 114-year-old publication's target audience while investing in its online capabilities and award programs. "The newspaper industry has been very good to me over the past 20 years," Blinder, who launched the digital media consulting firm Blinder Group in 1999, tells Folio:. "I’ve worked with over 300 newspapers around the world, helping them to adapt to digital marketing, and I’ve always had a love for the industry. To me, it's more of a labor of love than a profit." The most immediate changes under Blinder's ownership will be on the E&P masthead; managing editor Nu Yang will take over as editor-in-chief, succeeding longtime EIC Jeff Fleming, who will remain with the magazine's now-former parent company (in addition to E&P, California-based Duncan McIntosh Co. also publishes OC Weekly and three boating-related titles). As a result, E&P assistant editor Evelyn Mateos has been promoted to managing editor. [caption id="attachment_170473" align="alignright" width="150"] Mike Blinder[/caption] Moving forward, Blinder says he wants to grow E&P by serving an expanded crop of... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2019-09-03 20:10:05 UTC ]
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