Can the Classic Road Trip Novel Survive the Climate Crisis?

Climate change is conspicuously absent from most realist, literary fiction set in the present day. Hurricanes, wildfires, floods, droughts and other natural disasters are part of our daily lives, yet they’re absent, save for brief mentions of a news clip for a college protest from much of our fiction.  Madeleine Watts’ works have set out […] The post Can the Classic Road Trip Novel Survive the Climate Crisis? appeared first on Electric Literature. Continue reading at 'Electric Literature'

[ Electric Literature | 2025-03-04 12:00:00 UTC ]

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[ Engadget | 2023-02-06 18:00:28 UTC ]
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[ Literrary Hub | 2023-01-27 15:09:45 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2023-01-27 12:05:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2023-01-20 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2023-01-19 12:05:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2023-01-18 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2023-01-05 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2023-01-04 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2022-12-30 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2022-12-28 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2022-12-20 12:00:35 UTC ]
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[ Book Riot | 2022-12-20 11:35:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2022-12-13 12:05:00 UTC ]
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If You Want to Build a Story, Become an Architect

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[ Electric Literature | 2022-12-05 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2022-11-25 12:00:00 UTC ]
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An Indigenous Writer Discovers New and Old Ways to Connect With the Land and With Each Other

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[ Electric Literature | 2022-11-23 12:00:00 UTC ]
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[ Electric Literature | 2022-11-18 12:06:00 UTC ]
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