BuzzFeed's Latest Sub-Brand, As/Is, Will Focus on Body Positivity

BuzzFeed's newest spin-off brand, As/Is, is debuting Tuesday to cover beauty and style with a focus on body positivity and celebrating individuality.As/Is is the latest effort by BuzzFeed to find new revenue models through lifestyle brands that not only generate content, but experiences and products for a millennial audience. It's an area the digital publisher has been betting more on as it struggles to find ways to compete with Facebook and Google for ad revenue.Other publishers have turned to sub-brands or verticals to try to simultaneously expand their consumer reach and give advertisers new ways to buy them. New York magazine, for example, has established distinct brands such as Vulture for entertainment, The Cut for fashion and Grub Street for food. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2018-03-06 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Jane Macken becomes managing director of HBM

Haymarket Business Media (HBM), the UK's digital publisher of the year*, has named Jane Macken as its managing director. Continue reading at Media Week

[ Media Week | 2011-07-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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E-Commerce News: New York Magazine To Launch Curated Deals Newsletter in May

Joining the line of publishers who are entering the e-commerce space is New York magazine and; they’ve announced a New York City-specific online deals program that is set to launch in May. Continue reading at Folio Magazine

[ Folio Magazine | 2011-05-03 00:00:00 UTC ]
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What About an AdWall?

In the pursuit of earnings, publishers have done two things—intensified SEO efforts, which creates fly-by ad revenue and established paywalls, which create fan subscription revenue.Remember these definitions:• Fly-by: Someone who visits once.• Occasional: Visitor to the site two to three times... Continue reading at Folio Magazine

[ Folio Magazine | 2011-03-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
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