Apple just dropped a mysterious trailer for its latest sci-fi series Constellation

Apple just dropped a trailer for its forthcoming sci-fi mystery series Constellation. The series follows an astronaut, played by Noomi Rapace, after an emergency return to Earth. However, the homecoming is fraught with mysterious occurrences and plain-old sci-fi weirdness, leaving audiences wondering what happened to her up there. We don’t exactly know what type of sci-fi this is. There are hints that it could be a multiversal story, something that draws from false memory theories like the Mandela Effect. There are also hints that Rapace is being toyed with by an alien intelligence. There are clues that point to Rapace herself being an alien intelligence. Whichever way it goes, the show premieres with three episodes on February 21, followed by new entries each Wednesday. In addition to Rapace, Constellation stars Jonathan Banks from the Breaking Bad television universe, James D’Arcy, Julian Looman, William Catlett and Barbara Sukowa. The show was created by Peter Harness, who wrote a bunch of Doctor Who episodes, and directed by Michelle MacLaren, who has a fantastic track record in genre TV, having helmed episodes of Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Westworld and, going way back, The X-Files. This is going to be a trippy show, according to the above footage. It’s also cool that Apple releases trailers in HDR, so they’ll really pop on that Vision Pro headset, if you have more disposable income than Scrooge McDuck on tax return day. Apple TV+ and sci-fi go together like... Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2024-01-22 16:42:45 UTC ]
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